Support Dave the developer with the costs of maintaining this website and art tools. Each of these backer rewards will unlock special content and cosmetics in the Bounty Runner UGC currently under production. The mechanics of unlocking content is exactly the same one used by Harebrained Schemes for the Kickstarter backers, by pasting a reward code in the options menu.
A higher tier reward will include all goodies from the lower tier rewards, so you need only buy one reward. Some higher tier rewards are limited in number.
Currently accepting PayPal, Skrill, Bitcoin and Ethereum transfers. (form below)
Expected delivery of codes working with the UGC demo: Late July 2022
Shadowrun Returns on any platform (not DFDC or HK!)
Installing the Bounty Runner/DADOES UGC (first demo release expected Fall 2021)
Installing the Bounty Runner/DADOES Mod (to be released with the demo)
Back us with:
Your reward:
U$ 3.00

Early Access
The Early Access reward will grant you early in the game a couple extra alternative bounty runner outfits and a bounty runner standard issue PKD Blaster pistol, all in your bedroom's wardrobe. This does not affect gameplay balance in any substantial way.
U$ 8.00

More Outfits
(and less too)
By getting this reward, you get a vendor with more outfits somewhere in town. Also, some male and female NPCs in the game will have skimpier outfits on occasions. Includes partial or full nudity.
Also includes the Early Access reward.
U$ 12.00

Limited offer: have your portrait in the player character portrait list. You'll also have a hi-res copy sent to you by email. The portraits of all backers that take up this offer will be available in the character creation screen for the race and gender selected.
Includes the Early Access and More Outfits (and less) rewards.
You need to state your metahuman race (dwarf, elf, human, ork or troll), gender and preferred archetype. You must send a decent resolution photo of yourself from the chest up with your whole head visible.
You'll also be sent a hi res copy of your portrait by email.
Limited to 20 backers.
U$ 36.00

Distinctive Runner
Limited offer: you'll get an exclusive Mugshot and player outfit right on character creation screen. That means only you will have that player outfit and portrait unlocked.
Includes the Early Access and More Outfits rewards.
You need to state your metahuman race (dwarf, elf, human, ork or troll), gender and preferred archetype. You must send a decent resolution photo of yourself from the chest up with your whole head visible. Also, you need to describe how your outfit should be. Sending an image with concept art or some sort of reference photo is preferable.
You'll also be sent a hi res copy of your portrait by email.
Limited to 12 backers.
Title | Amount Left |
Distinctive Runner | 11 |
Mugshot | 20 |